Viewing unseen 3D Benchmarks in Windows Vista
How to Fix Viewing unseen 3D Benchmarks in Windows Vista
Tech Advice 1
↣ Viewing unseen 3D benchmarks is not a really useful tip but only forms a part of attraction.
↣ Windows Vista has an inbuilt benchmarking utility that checks your system performance.
↣ This process is termed as “Assessment Tool” in Windows Vista. You can also open this utility from command prompt.
↣ Remember to have administrator rights for performing this operation.
Also, your AERO feature will be temporarily disabled while this test is being performed.
↣ .winsat d3d -texshader -totalobj 15
↣ winsat d3d -objs C(20) -texshader -totalobj 50
↣ winsat d3d -totalobj 20 -objs C(20) -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(1) -alushader -noalpha -v -time 10
↣ winsat d3d -totalobj 20 -objs C(20) -totaltex 10 -texpobj C(10) -alushader -v -time 10
Viewing unseen 3D Benchmarks in Windows Vista View Hidden 3D Benchmarks in Windows Vista Hidden 3D benchmarks in Vista View Hidden 3D Benchmarks in Windows Vista Using Microsoft Windows Vista Special Edition Fixing Windows Vista