Error 97 SMS origination Denied
Yesterday, i was playing the game on my android phone it was a very interesting game. I was play review of tat game review was also good, Start rating on Google play store also good. Millions of downloads. But while playing the game on my android. My android phone showing an error 97 SMS origination Denied. This is the first time that i was facing this error, then i was tried to fix this error 97 SMS origination denied. I am not sure but maybe you are also facing this error so let’s fix it.
Fix Straight Talk Error Code 97 SMS origination Denied
Tip 1 : To fix text message error code 97
Clear Cache of the Message App
↣ Go to device Settings > Apps
↪ Scroll down & look for Message app
↪ Tap on Message app >> tap on clear cache
Tip 2 : Fo fix tracfone error code 97
Clear Data
↣ Go to device Settings > Apps
↪ Scroll down & look for Message app
↪ Tap on Message app >> tap on clear Data
↪ Now check your issue is fixed
Tags: straight talk error code 97 | error code 97 verizon tracfone error code 97