NTLDR is compressed | Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to restart
NTLDR is compressed
Tech Advise 1
Without CD for Compaq
↣ Turn on the computer.
↣ When the initial logo screen appears Press the F10 key repeatedly until a message about starting recovery appears.
↣ At the Recovery screen Click Advanced Options and then press the Alt and D keys at the same time to go to a command prompt.
↣ At the command prompt Enter the following: diskpart
↣ At the command prompt Enter the following: list volume
↣ Remember the drive letter next to line for the main hard drive HP_PAVILION or PRESARIO.
↣ To close Diskpart enter the following Exit
↣ At the command prompt, enter the drive letter followed by a colon (:). For example, H:
↣ At the command prompt, enter the following: cd \windows\system32
↣ At the command prompt, type the following: compact ntldr /u <the drive letter>:\ntldr
↣ For example if the drive letter was H you would type: compact ntldr /u h:\ntldr
↣ Type exitand press Enter.
Click Quit.
Ntldr is compressed press ctrl alt del TO RESTART “ntldr is compressed” error message NTLDR is compressed – Windows XP Home and Professional Methods to Fix Ntldr Compressed Error ntldr is missing windows 7 bootmgr is compressed