Errors Error 1402 Unable to install program registry errors

Error 1402 Unable to install program registry errors

Unable to install program registry errors

How to Fix registry error 1402

Tech Advice 1

 Some users get this message while trying to install a program
 Please follow the steps to successfully install the software and fix the error
 Open the registry editor by
 Click on Start Menu >> Click Run Button
 In the Open Box type regedit & then Click Ok
 Browse through the registry and select the entry mentioned in the error message.
 Choose Permissions from either the edit menu or by right-clicking on the registry key’s parent directory.
 Click the Advanced button to add a new user
 Type in Everyone as the new user and click OK
 it may not be necessary to give everyone full control but this is what I did and it worked
 Configure the permissions for user Everyone to Full Control
 Uninstall the software if necessary and re-install

For Windows ME

Tech Advice 2

 Please do the following steps to fix the problem
 Caution : Incorrect Registry Editing can cause serious problems.
 Please be careful while editing registry or contact our supoprt team to fix it remotley
 Open the Registry Editor by
 Click On Start Menu >> Click On Run Button
 In the Open Box type regedit and click OK.

Navigate your way to

 In the left pane with the Uninstall key expanded right-click any item and select Delete.
 Click Yes to confirm, and that item is officially off the list.
 Repeat these steps for each item you’d like
 to remove then close the Registry Editor.

Unable to install program registry errors Fix registry error 1402 unable to uninstall program windows 10

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