CD-ROM not working on Windows Vista
How to Fix CD Rom not working on windows vista
Tech advice:1
↣ Please click on start run << type devmgmt.msc >> and then
↣ click on the +DVD/CD-ROM option >> right click on your DVD/CD-ROM drive >> choose unistall reboot your machine.
Tech advice:2
↣ Click on Start >> Run and type >> regedit >> press ok
↣ Look for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
↣ To verify that you are in the appropriate registry subkey, make sure that the Default data value is DVD/CD-ROM and the Class data value is CDROM.
↣ On the right hand side >> and then right-click UpperFilters >> then click Delete.
↣ Click Yes to confirm the removal of the UpperFilters registry entry.
↣ In the right pane, right-click LowerFilters, and then click Delete.
↣ Click Yes to confirm the removal of the LowerFilters registry entry.
Exit Registry Editor, and then restart the computer.
CD-ROM not working on Windows Vista