How to fix bsod error code 0×0000007F
Tech Advise:1
Run Check Disk Command
↣ Fix Errors & Speed up through Chkdsk Command
↣ Repair Hard Drive through check disk Command
↣ Reboot Your PC, press F8 key continously while the PC is rebooting until a black window appears. Select command prompt from the list. Now on the Dos window Type chkdsk c: /f /r Enter
↣ (you may get a prompt to press Y/N) Press Y which means that check disk command will run on net boot UP. Please allow the commad to run on next boot UP and do not exit. This may take 30 min – 1hour.
↣ NOTE: the /f command automatically fixes any errors encountered, the /r command locates bad sectors and recovers readable information
This will definately help to fix any drive related errors and speed up Your PC performance
↣ Tech Advise:2
If you added new hardware recently remove and replace it to determine if it is causing or contributing to the problem.
↣ Tech Advise:3
Caution: Incorrect Registry Editing can cause serious problems.
↣ Please be careful while editing registry or contact our supoprt team to fix it remotley
↣ Please do the following steps to fix the BSOD STOP Error||0×0000007F | UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP k On Start Menu & Click On Run Button In the box
↣ Type regedit
↣ In the registry editor navigate to the subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >>> SYSTEM >>> CurrentControlSet >>> Control >>> Session Manager >>> Memory Management.
↣ Double-click on PagedPoolSize and SystemPages to view the value for each entry.
↣ If PagedPoolSize is not zero assign a value of 0.
↣ If SystemPages is not zero assign a value of 40000 for systems with 128 MB or less of memory or 110000 for systems with 128 MB to 256 MB of memory.
↣ For systems with more memory, do not increase the SystemPages value above 110000 without contacting Microsoft technical support.
↣ Click OK & then close the registry editor.
Restart your computer.
Cause Of Error BSOD Error || Stop: 0×0000007F | UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP
↣ The Cause of the problem can be due to the following reasons
↣ This Stop Error shows a problem with Hardware caused by mismatched memory a malfunctioning CPU failure with Fan causing overheating.
↣ Computer may have hardware or a Software problem.
↣ Faulty driver.
0x0000007f windows 10 stop 0x0000007f windows 7 0x0000007f windows xp error 0x0000007f printer error 0 0000007f 0x0000007f windows vista