ERROR : XP will not shut down
Tech Advise:1
↣ Click On Start Menu >> Control Panel >> Performance & Maintenance >> Power Options
↣ The Power Options Properties Property Sheet will open.
↣ Click the APM tab & check the box to Enable Advanced Power Management Support.
Tech Advise:2
↣ See whether a program has recently been removed from the computer
↣ To remove a program from the computer:
↣ Click Start Menu & click Control Panel & then click Add or Remove Programs.
↣ In the list of programs Click the program that you want to remove & then click Change/Remove.
↣ Click Yes when you are prompted to confirm if you want to remove the program.
↣ If the program is not listed in the Add or Remove Programs tool contact the manufacturer to obtain instructions for removing it.
Tech Advise:3
↣ Please try to restore operation of Windows XP by using the Last Known Good Configuration functionality
↣ If Windows does not start Restart Windows by using the Last Known Good Configuration functionality:
↣ Start the computer & when Windows begins to start
↣ Press F8 to make the Windows Advanced Options menu appear.
↣ Use the arrow keys to select Last Known Good Configuration your most recent settings that worked & then press ENTER.
↣ If a Boot menu appears use the arrow keys to select Microsoft Windows XP & then press ENTER.
↣ Windows XP starts your computer by using the registry information that was saved at the last shutdown.
Tech Advise:4
↣ Try to restore operation of Windows XP by using System Restore
↣ You can use the System Restore tool to return your computer to a previous working state.
↣ System Restore takes a “snapshot” of critical system files & some program files & stores this information as restore points.
↣ You can use these restore points to return Windows XP to a previous state.
↣ For additional information about System Restore, click Help & Support on the Start menu.
↣ In the Search box, type system restore & then press ENTER.
Tech Advise:5
↣ To resolve this issue use the Windows Recovery Console to extract a new copy of the Kernel32.dll file from the original Windows XP compact disc.
↣ Please do the follow these steps:
↣ Start the Recovery Console.
↣ If you do not have the Recovery Console installed start it from the Windows XP compact disc CD.
↣ Please do the follow these steps:
↣ Insert the Windows XP CD & restart the computer. If prompted select any options required to boot from the CD.
↣ When the text-based part of Setup begins follow the prompts; choose the repair or recover option by pressing R.
↣ If you have a dual-boot or multiple-boot system choose the installation that you need to access from the recovery console.
↣ When prompted type the Administrator password.
↣ At the comm& prompt type “cd system32” without the quotation marks & then press ENTER.
↣ Type “ren kernel32.dll kernel32.old” without the quotation marks & then press ENTER.
↣ Type “map” without the quotation marks & then press ENTER.
↣ Note the drive letter assigned to the CD-ROM drive that contains the Windows XP CD.
↣ It is displayed in a format similar to the following: D: \Device\CdRom0
↣ Type “exp& <drive>\i386\kernel32.dl_” without the quotation marks where drive is the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive that contains the Windows XP CD & then press ENTER.
↣ For example:
↣ Exp& d:\i386\kernel32.dl_ ENTER
↣ Note the underscore character after the “L” in Kernel32.dl_
↣ The following message appears: Kernel32.dll, 1 file(s) exp&ed.
↣ Type “exit” (without the quotation marks). The computer restarts.
↣ Remove the Windows XP CD & start the computer normally.
↣ A damaged exit sound file.
↣ Incorrectly configured.
↣ Damaged or incompatible hardware.
↣ Conflicting programs.
↣ An incompatible damaged or conflicting device driver.
Topics, Files and Tools to Clean Related XP SHUT DOWN PROBLEM
↣ Windows xp shut down problem
↣ p slow to shut down
↣ xp slow shutdown problem
↣ xp pro will not shut down
↣ xp will not shut down or restart
↣ windows xp will not shut down or restart
↣ windows xp will not shut down properly
↣ windows xp won t shut down completely
↣ my computer won t shut down xp
↣ system will not shut down
↣ windows 2000 hangs on shutdown