How to fix Xp desktop is coming horizontally
ERROR || My Windows Xp desktop is coming horizontally
Tech Advise:1
↣ Right click any empty space in your desktop >> Arrange Icons By >> Auto Arrange.
Tech Advise:2
↣ Please try the steps mentioned below
↣ The Ctrl-Alt-Direction key sequence is supposed to be used for changing your workspace.
↣ On my computer at work it changes the screen orientation.
↣ Ctrl+Alt+Up – right side up
↣ Ctrl+Alt+Right – 90 degrees
↣ Ctrl+Alt+Down – 180 degrees
↣ Ctrl+Alt+Left – 270 degrees
↣ If that doesn’t work
↣ Try Ctrl+Shift+R
Tech Advise:3
↣ To disable rotation
↣ Right click the Intel Extreme Graphics icon on the taskbar
↣ Select Graphics Options and then Graphics Properties and then Click on the rotation tab
↣ And remove the tick from the enable rotation box.
↣ Alternatively it can be accessed from Display Properties >> Settings >> Advanced >>Intel Extreme Graphics
Tech Advise:4
↣ Also check your monitor’s settings by pressing one of the buttons on the front of it.
↣ Your monitor will have settings for rotation too
Tech Advise:5
↣ You should try the system restore which is found in
↣ Click on the Start menu >> all programs >> accessories >> system tools >> system restore
↣ Go back to a time when you know it was working but try to keep it to the last known time it worked.
↣ Thing is I don’t put much credit on the system restore in fixing problems
↣ But it can sometimes help if it was a simple registry error
↣ CAUSE:= By changing of display settings By virus
. When system restore is not working.