window xp clock problem
After installing it I noticed that my computer clock does not stay at the same time. It can be 5:30 PM and five minutes later it can be 7:00 AM. Someone told me after installing XP, I have to go in my BIOS and set the clock there. Is that the answer Can somebody help ?
How to Fix Window XP clock problem
Tech advise:
Please try the below step as given below.
↣ Double click your clock on the taskbar.and then
↣ Date and Time Properties should open.and then
↣ Click on the Internet Time Tab.and then
↣ In the box next to Server, type or paste:
↣ Click the Apply button.and then
↣ Then click the Update Now button and wait a while.
↣ Close the Date and Time Properties when you see: The time has be Successfully…..
if after do this step you are not successfully so do this
Tech advise:2
↣ Go to BIOS setting
↣ press F10 or del button (on your keybord) when the computer boots up and enter to the bios setup, and find an option to change date/time in bios menu when you can search change date/time and press enter change date/time and set the date/time and then press save option and exit option…… and reboot your pc.
↣ Okk your problem is loosing the time so i have one more option and its more option is given below
change your cmos battery.