Re-establish Missing Items in Vista control panel
How to re-establish Missing Items in Vista
Tech Advice:1
↣ Some of you might not be aware of it but have you ever tried finding the Network Connections and Display Settings icon in the Windows Vista control panel in classic view?
↣ They have been forbidden from the registry and that’s the reason these two don’t appear even in the Control Panel’s Classic View.
↣ In order to restore these 2 options open the registry editor window by typing “regedit” in the run command window and search the following key:
↣ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Panel\don’t load
↣ You will notice a list of keys on the right hand side. Delete “desk.cpl” and “ncpa,cpl” key. Make sure you make a backup of the key before removal.
↣ Refresh the screen using F5 button on the keyboard. Open the Control Panel again and you will find both Network connections and Display settings option.
Re-establish Missing Items in Vista how to Reestablish Missing Items in Vista in control panel enable hidden items in window vista