Unable to add file in windows media player
How to add files in windows media player
Tech Advice 1
↣ If you are experiencing a problem adding files to the windows media player library, then no matter what you do, you will not be able to add files since the library database has been corrupted.
↣ For this, you will have to delete all the files and add them again for the library to work properly.
Below are the steps to delete the files.
↣ Make a backup prior to performing delete operation. Your music will not be deleted, just the database.
↣ Press the WIN Key and go to Control Panel.
↣ Select Administrative Tools and then look for Services for XP and then further look for the services that start with “Windows Media Player”.
↣ Close the windows media player before performing these operations.
↣ Stop all the services associated with windows media player. Now, open windows explorer and add the following lines in the address bar of the explorer window.
↣ %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player\
↣ You will see a list of files in the folder. You can delete these files or move them to a separate folder.
Restart windows media player and you will be able to add the files to the media player library.
Unable to add file in windows media player windows media player library not adding files windows media player not showing music in library windows media player update windows media player restore media library