BSOD Error || 0x0000003F or NO_MORE_SYSTEM_PTES
How to fix bsod error code 0x0000003F
Tech Advise 1
Caution : Incorrect Registry Editing can cause serious problems.
↣ Please be careful while editing registry or contact our supoprt team to fix it remotley
↣ To increase the number of PTEs allocated in the registry
↣ Click On Start Menu & then Click On Run Button
↣ In the Run box type regedit
↣ In the registry editor navigate to the subkey HKEY LOCAL MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Session Manager\Memory Management
↣ Double click on PagedPoolSize and SystemPages to view the value for each entry
If PagedPoolSize is not zero assign a value of 0
↣ If SystemPages is not zero assign a value of 40000 for systems with 128 MB or less of memory or 110000 for systems with 128 MB to 256 MB of memory
↣ For systems with more memory do not increase the SystemPages value above 110000 without contacting Microsoft technical support
↣ Click OK and then close the registry editor & Restart your computer
Cause Of Error BSOD Error || 0x0000003F or NO_MORE_SYSTEM_PTES
↣ The Cause of the problem can be due to the following reasons
↣ The system Page Table Entries PTE are depleted or fragmented due to the system performing a large number of input-output actions
↣ A faulty device driver is not managing memory properly
↣ An application such as a backup program is improperly allocating large amounts of kernel memory
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