Tech Advice:1
All utility toolbars like Yahoo and Google one have an included search tab that cannot be removed from their options.
I never use them, if I want to search for something I go to google and type in there what I’m interested in, and after a while of daily starring into those white boxed I am kind of tired of them frankly.
If you feel the same, you should know that regedit can fix this problem. Follow the path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Then, in your left you will find DWORD line. At NoSearchBox is the setting you want to change.
As you know, for computers 0 means NO and 1 means YES. Tying 1 here will make the search bar disappear, as 1 is a negation added to the No Search listed near.
And now, enjoy your search free toolbar: