Repair Internet Explorer
How to repair Internet Explorer
Tech Advice 1
Caution : Incorrect Registry Editing can cause serious problems.
↣ Please be careful while editing registry or contact our supoprt team to fix it remotley
Follow these steps for repairing Internet Explorer 6:
↣ Click on the Start Menu & then Click on the Run option.
↣ In the Open field type regedit and press the OK button.
↣ Navigate to the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>>>SOFTWARE>>>Microsoft>>>Active Setup>>>Installed Components>>>{89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383}
↣ Under that key you will see a entry named IsInstalled.
↣ Right click on that entry and left click on Modify.
↣ Change the Value from 1 to 0.
Exit regedit.
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