Windows How to Installing Windows XP

How to Installing Windows XP

Installing Windows XP

How to Installing Windows XP

Tech Advise:1
Please do the following steps to Installing Windows XP


 Please insert Windows Xp CD into the CDrom or DVDrom
 Reboot your pc Press Del key as soon as the pc Restarts.
 It will brings you on command prompt
 Please change here boot device change whatever you want
 If you want to boot from floppy drive then choose option First boot device “Floppy Drive”
 If you want to boot from CD drive then choose option First boot device “CD Drive”
 Then press F10 and save then exit from command prompt

Step 2

 Start computer from the CD.
 When this message appears
 Setup is inspecting your computer’s hardware confiuration.”
 then press any key to boot from CD
 If you want to install Additional SCSI adapters then you have to press F6
 Follow the screen
 Choose to Setup Windows XP Professional Now.
 If you want to repair xp window from Recovery CD then press R
 And if you want quit setup then simply press F3
 If you just want to install the Window then simply press Enter to continue the setup
 Read the licensing agreement carefully and press F8 if you accept it.
 Now you can see on the screen 3 options
 To set up Windows xp on the selected item, press ENTER.
 To create a partition in the unpartitioned space, press C.
 To delete the selected partition, Press D.

If the hard disk is already partitioned and you want to install your window in Default select drive then press “ENTER” to install
Example : If you want to install your window in C drive then choose C drive and Press enter
 And To Create the partition of your hard disk Please press C
 Follow the screen.
 Press “ENTER” to Create the partition
 Create the partition According to hard disk space
 Then press “ENTER” to install your window on selected drive
 Follow the Screen
 Press “ENTER” to Continue with the installation

Step 3

 Now you will see on the screen “SETUP FORMATTING”
 When its completing then Follow the screen
 And now you will see
 Setup is copying files
 Follow the screen after copying files
 Your computer will restart in graphical mode, and the installation will continue.
 After that the setup process reboots and loads a GUI mode phase.
 You don’t need to do anything just follow the screen until its not asking to you.
 Now Installation wizard ask for the name and organization please type it.
 After that type product key.
 Type computer name and a password for the local Administrator account
 Select the date >> time >> and zone settings.
 Now steup installing the networking components
 And follow the screen
 Next the setup process will finish copying files and configuring the setup. You do not need to do anything.
 After the copying and configuring file is finished, if XP finds that you have a badly configured screen resolution.
 Please change your screen resolution minimum supported screen resolution is 800X600
 Then setup finishes and boot windows XP
 Now you will see the welcome screen first then computer check your internet connectivity
 Just follow the screen and press “Next”
 Now xp ask you for the user name please provide and continue with the process
 Now you would see the “Thank You” Screen

Installing Windows XP install windows xp from cd installing windows xp from usb install windows xp without cd install windows xp in laptop install windows 7

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