Disable Desktop Cleanup Wizard
How to Disable Desktop Cleanup Wizard
Please Follow the steps below to disable the desktop cleanup wizard.
↣ Open Registry Editor
↣ Click On Start Menu >> Click On Run Button
↣ In the Open Box type regedit & then Press Enter
↣ Caution : Incorrect Registry Editing can cause serious problems.
↣ Please be careful while editing registry or contact our supoprt team to fix it remotley
Find the path
HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> Software >> Microsoft >> Windows >> CurrentVersion >> Explorer >>
↣ Desktop >> CleanupWiz using the folders on the left pane.
↣ Once you have located this path you must add a new entry called
↣ NoRun by right clicking an open area below the listed entries and then select NEW > DWORD value.
↣ Type in NoRun & press enter.
↣ Set the value of the NoRun entry to 1 by double clicking the NoRun entry and entering a 1 in the Value
↣ data field. Click OK.
Value Key:
0 = Enable Desktop Cleanup Wizard
1 = Disable Desktop Cleanup Wizard
Close the Registry Editor and Restart Windows for the changes to take effect. \r
Topics, Files and Tools to Clean Related How to Disable Desktop Cleanup Wizard
↣ disable desktop cleanup wizard
↣ desktop cleanup wizard disable
↣ disable desktop cleanup wizard xp
↣ windows desktop cleanup wizard
↣ desktop cleanup wizard registry
↣ remove desktop cleanup wizard
↣ there are unused icons on your desktop
↣ disable unused icons
↣ turn off desktop cleanup wizard
↣ turn off unused icons
Device Manager Disappeared | Unable to see Device Manager
↣ Please just complete the following steps
↣ Open registry editor.
↣ Click On Start Menu >> Click On Run Button
↣ In the Open Box type regedit & then Press Enter
↣ Caution : Incorrect Registry Editing can cause serious problems.
↣ Please be careful while editing registry or contact our supoprt team to fix it remotley
↣ Edit the registry with following specifications.
↣ In order to create key. Click on edit new key
↣ Find or create the registry string value DEVMGR_SHOW_DETAILS
↣ You’ll need to edit this string value to the registry value settings below.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> Session Manager >>Environment
↣ Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value)
↣ Value Data: 1 (to show detailed info, “0? equals default)
↣ Close registry editor .
↣ & then Reboot the Computer
Topics, Files and Tools to Clean Related Device Manager Disappeared | Unable to see Device Manager
↣ find device manager
↣ device manager problems
↣ sa30xx device manager
↣ sa32xx device manager
↣ sa52xx device manager
↣ finding device manager
↣ locate device manager
↣ print device manager
↣ smart device manager
↣ where can i find device manager
↣ 5880 device manager
↣ device manager utility
↣ accessing device manager
↣ where’s device manager
↣ device manager api
↣ device manager executable
↣ nothing shows in device manager
↣ device manager troubleshooting
↣ plug and play device manager
↣ firewire device manager
↣ device manager for windows xp
↣ device manager on windows xp
↣ usb device in device manager
Disable Desktop Cleanup Wizard| How to Disable Desktop Cleanup Wizard