Change Fax Viewer in Windows XP
In Windows XP windows & Fax Viewer that lets you quickly preview, rotate, print, delete, or edit pictures on your computer You can also show multiple pictures in a slideshow format.
How To Change Default Editor In Windows
Try this method to Change Default Editor in Windows & Fax Viewer in Windows XP
↣ Click On Start Menu >> Open My Computer
↣ Click on Tools >> Click on Folder Options
↣ Click on the File Types tab
↣ Click the file type to change
↣ Under the Opens With option
↣ Make sure the Windows and Fax Viewer is the chosen application
↣ If Windows and Fax Viewer is not the chosen application
↣ Click the CHANGE button and choose Windows and Fax Viewer & Click Ok
↣ Click on the Advanced button.
In some cases, you may have a Restore option instead.
↣ You’ll need to choose Restore to change the default application & then
↣ Click on the Advanced button to proceed
↣ Under the Actions sections open & Edit
↣ Click on the Open action >> Click on the Edit button,
↣ The application listed should be the following to use the Windows and Fax Viewer
rundll32.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscreen %1
↣ Verify the Open command is correct & Click Ok
↣ Now find the Edit action.
↣ If it is not listed do the following
↣ Click New >> Type Edit for the action
↣ Type the path and program name for the chosen photo editor
Ex. “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop 7.0\Photoshop.exe” “%1”
↣ You’ll need to quotes around the path and the %1 in order for things to work properly
↣ Click Ok twice
↣ If the Edit action is listed then select Edit & Click the Edit button
↣ Click Ok & close the Folder Options window & My Computer
↣ Find a image on your computer and double-click on it to test.
↣ The Windows and Fax viewer should open showing the picture
↣ Click the Edit option on the bottom toolbar & your picture should open in your desired photo editing program.
windows default video editor windows default editor Change Default Editor In Windows default text editor windows cmd change default txt opener how to change default text editor