Windows Fix for Explorer not showing filenames in Vista

Fix for Explorer not showing filenames in Vista

Explorer not showing file names in Vista

How to Fix Explorer not showing filenames in Vista

Tech Advice 1

 Sometimes, the explorer in Windows Vista stops displaying the filenames in certain folders.
 No need to worry, the fixer is here. It’s just a small and easy fix.
 This problem is mainly due to windows wrongly classifying the folder as picture folder and hides the name for the same, Grrh, no file names?

 To solve this problem, right-click in the blank space of the folder and choose the Customize This Folder option from the menu.
 Now, select the Customize tab, and choose the type of folder. In this case, the folder type is Pictures and Videos.
 Now, select the File Menu, or hold down the ALT key, and then you will be able to deselect the Hide File Names option, that will immediately show the names of folders

we are, back with the file names of our folders.

Explorer not showing file names in Vista file and folder names not showing in windows 10 files not showing up in folder windows 7 windows explorer not showing all folders file explorer open but not visible

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