BSOD Error – STOP: 0x00000024 | Stop 0x24 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM
How to fix bsod error code 0x00000024
Tech Advise:1
↣ Try disabling any virus scanning programs,
Tech Advise:2
Defrag Your PC.
↣ It is important to defrag your PC once a month to keep the performance of the PC up to date
↣ Click on start >>> Programs >> System Tools >> Disk Defragmentor
↣ CLick on Defrag Now
↣ Defrag will help to clean any bad sectors on drive, increase disk space, speed up your PC performance
Tech Advise:3
Run Check Disk Command
↣ Fix Errors & Speed up through Chkdsk Command
↣ Repair Hard Drive through check disk Command
↣ Reboot Your PC, press F8 key continuously while the PC is rebooting until a black window appears. Select command prompt from the list.
↣ Now on the Dos window
↣ Type
↣ chkdsk c: /f /r
↣ Enter
↣ (you may get a prompt to press Y/N) Press Y which means that check disk command will run on net boot UP. Please allow the commad to run on next boot UP and do not exit. This may take 30 min – 1hour.
↣ NOTE: the /f command automatically fixes any errors encountered, the /r command locates bad sectors and recovers readable information
↣ This will definately help to fix any drive related errors and speed up Your PC performance
Tech Advise:4
↣ Reconnect the drive that contains the corrupted NTFS volume.
↣ Restart the computer & then run the following command on the corrupted NTFS volume:
↣ chkdsk driveletter: /f
↣ After you use the Chkdsk tool to repair the corrupted NTFS volume, rename %SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\NTFS.old to NTFS.SYS, and then shut down and restart the computer.
Cause Of Error STOP: 0x00000024 | Stop 0x24 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM
↣ The Cause of the problem can be due to the following reasons
↣ This Stop error indicates that a problem occurred within NTFS.SYS, the driver file that allows the system to read and write to Drives formatted with the NTFS file system.
↣ A similar Stop message, 0x00000023 exists for the file allocation table FAT16 or FAT32 file systems.
↣ The NTFS.SYS file is the driver file that enables your computer to read and write to NTFS partitions.
↣ Damage in the NTFS file system, damaged portions of your hard disk or damaged SCSI or IDE drivers can also Cause this issue.
stop 0x00000024 windows xp ntfs sys address base at datestamp xp error code 0xc0000024 error code 0x24 disable or uninstall any anti-virus, disk defragmentation windows 7