Windows Vista Wants To Sleep Again
How to Fix windows Vista Wants To Sleep Again
Tech Advice 1
↣ Quite often Vista users find out that suddenly their windows doesn’t want to go to sleep anymore.
↣ Well, this happens when you are sharing something.
↣ Sleep mode can be enabled and disabled with the help of Control Panel.
↣ Rather than wondering around trying to find where it’s located, you can use the search box and write power.
↣ Clicking on P. Options you will find everything you need listed there.
↣ You will have to change the settings.
↣ And again, change what it has been set to do.
↣ you should see a large window where you have to locate the options for music, films and all multimedia files.
I’m guessing that you want your PC or laptop to sleep even when it’s plugged it, so you will edit both fields, to allow it to go into sleep mode.
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