Remove IE Antivirus 3.2
IEAntivirus also referred to as IE Antivirus 3.2 or IEAntivirusis a rogue anti-spyware program that pretends to be a legitimate spyware removal tool
How to remove IE Antivirus 3.2
Tech Advise:1
How to delete IE Antivirus 3.2 files in Windows XP and Vista:
↣ Click On Start menu & from Search click For Files and Folders.
↣ A speech bubble will pop up asking you
↣ What do you want to search for
↣ Click On All files and folders
Type a IE Antivirus 3.2 file in the search box and select Local Hard Drives.
↣ Click Search Once the file is found delete it.
↣ How to stop IE Antivirus 3.2 processes:
↣ Click On Start menu >> Run.
↣ Type taskmgr.exe into the the Run command box & click OK.
↣ You can also launch the Task Manager by pressing keys ALT + CTRL + DELETE Or CTRL + Shift + ESC.
↣ Click Processes tab & find IE Antivirus 3.2 processes.
↣ Once you’ve found the IE Antivirus 3.2 processes right-click them & select End Process to kill IE Antivirus 3.2.
How to remove IE Antivirus 3.2 registry keys:
↣ Click On Start menu & click Run.
↣ An Open field will appear.
↣ Type regedit & click OK to open up your Registry Editor.
↣ Registry Editor will open as a window with two panes.
↣ The left side Registry Editor’s window lets you select various registry keys and the right side displays the registry values of the registry key you select.
↣ To find a registry key such as any IE Antivirus 3.2 registry keys select Edit >>select Find and in the search bar type any of IE Antivirus 3.2’s registry keys.
↣ As soon as IE Antivirus 3.2 registry key appears you can delete the IE Antivirus 3.2 registry key by right-clicking it and selecting Modify then clicking Delete.
How to delete IE Antivirus 3.2 DLL files:
↣ First locate IE Antivirus 3.2 DLL files you want to delete.
↣ Click On Start menu >> click Run.
↣ Type cmd in Run & click OK.
↣ To change your current directory
↣ type cd in the command box
↣ press your Space key & enter the full directory where the IE Antivirus 3.2 DLL file is located.
↣ If you’re not sure if the IE Antivirus 3.2 DLL file is located in a particular directory enter dir in the command box to display a directory’s contents.
↣ To go one directory back enter cd in the command box and press Enter.
↣ When you’ve located the IE Antivirus 3.2 DLL file you want to remove
↣ Type regsvr32 /u SampleDLLName.dll
↣ & press your Enter key.
Did IE Antivirus 3.2 change your homepage?
↣ Click On Start menu >> Control Panel >> Internet Options.
↣ Under Home Page select the General >> Use Default.
↣ Type in the URL you want as your home page.
↣ Select Apply >> OK.
↣ You’ll want to open a fresh web page and make sure that your new default home page pops up.
Tech Advise:2
↣ Please download malwarebytes to fix the problem.
Topics, Files and Tools to Clean Related: How to remove IE Antivirus 3.2
↣ How to remove IE Antivirus 3.2
↣ how to install ie antivirus 3.2
↣ internet explorer 3.2 problems
↣ internet explorer antivirus 3.2 problems
↣ internet explorer antivirus 3.2 tool
↣ fix internet explorer antivirus 3.2
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