Hijackthis to Scan for Malware
Hijackthis is an Advanced tool for an analyst to troubleshoot computer problems. This tool scans for Vital information in the registry and other programs running. This also in process records any infection if running and creates a log on notepad. However, Hijackthis does not take any information about data stored on the PC. This is absolutely safe tool to run.
How To Run Hijackthis to scan Malware
Download Hijackthis from below link
Download Hijackthis to scan Malware
↣ Install Hijackthis >> Click on run
↣ Click on Scan and Save a log File. a log is generated on a Notepad. Send this notepad as attachmnet to Tech Mowgli Experts, Support@techmowgli.com
↣ You can also copy the log from notepad, paste in your email and send it
What If My Antivirus does not allow me to run any program ?
↣ Restart your Pc in Safe mode with Networking. On reboot keep pressing f8 key on your keyword continously.
↣ On the DOS screen Select safe mode with networking and continue. This mode is reduce functionality mode, virus would not work in this mode
Continue with Hijackthi installtion or download and send us the file
Download Hijackthis to scan Malware Hijackthis analyzer HijackThis codes Malwarebytes download