Fix Error Code 3259 Mac entourage
Last night I was working on my MAC & I was sending an important mail to my clients. But while sending the email my mac computer showing an error code 3259. Actually I also face this issue before now I am sure that this error only occurs when the user is trying to send or receive emails or also RGE file format. Means when you trying to send emails, then an error message comes names as entourage error code 3259.
Solution for fix Mac entourage error code 3259
First open Entourage application
↣ Go to Tools > select accounts
↣ Double click on the account you want to setup
↣ Go to sending emails & click Advanced sending options
↣ Find default SMTP Port to check > checkbox & change port value to 587
↣ Clear your outlook > attempt to send email
↣ Don’t worry about this situation you can easily fix this issue by using these steps
↣ Now connect it to the server > this may solve the error
↣ Delete the previous account & create a new account & enter the info.
↣ You should include the server administrator to resolve this issue
↣ Now check the entourage database for corruption
↣ Now remove viruses or malware from the computer
↣ After that restart your computer
Hope this will helps you
How to Fix the Error on Mac showing Entourage error code 3259 / Error on Mac Showing Error Code 3259