Get Internet Explorer 8 to allow an ActiveX control
How to get IE8 to allow an ActiveX control
Try this method to get IE8 to allow an ActiveX control
↣ Click On Start Menu >> Click On Internet Explorer
↣ Click On Tools A drop down window will appear with several more options to choose from.
↣ Each option will let you change some of the default settings already programmed into Internet Explorer.
↣ Click On Internet Options >> Click On Security tab
If the pop-up window appears for ActiveX controls.
↣ There are several zones with multiple security settings.
↣ Each zone has preset settings built into it.
↣ You can change the settings to fit your current needs.
↣ If for some reason you’re not satisfied with these changes
↣ Click On Reset All Zones to Default Level to change them back.
↣ Click On Internet zone to allow ActiveX controls to run
↣ Change the security level for the Internet zone from the default Medium-high zone to Medium
↣ Slide the bar up and down between the different security zones.
↣ The Medium Internet zone will allow a lower security environment for your web browsing.
To go even further with enabling the ActiveX controls
↣ Under the Settings Menu >> Click On Custom Level button.
↣ Look for the ActiveX Controls & Plug-ins options.
↣ Normally, these settings are disabled to prevent a security risk to your computer system.
↣ Allow the ActiveX controls to automatically run by changing the settings from Disable to Enable
↣ Click On Enable button next to Allow Previously Unused ActiveX Controls to Run WithoutPrompt
↣ After making these changes to your Internet Explorer browser you won’t be constantly prompted to
↣ enable the ActiveX controls.
↣ They’ll automatically be allowed without prompting you to manually do so.
↣ The changes made in these settings will not take full effect until you close and restart the Internet
↣ Explorer browser window. \R And Also suggest to run the following tool to fix the ActiveX Problems
Get Internet Explorer 8 to allow an ActiveX control