How to Download IntelliPoint 6.3 Mouse Software for Windows Driver
File Name:
IP32Eng6.30.191.0.exe 15.0 MB
IntelliPoint 6.3 software are customize the features of your mouse to complete your needs. you can also reassign mouse button including wheel button to perform a command like Undo, keyboard shortcut.
System requirement: For Download IntelliPoint 6.3 Mouse Driver
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4, Windows Vista, Windows XP & Home, Professional, Tablet, or Media Center Edition with a Pentium 233 MHz or higher processor and 128MB of RAM, Windows 2000 Professional or Server with a Pentium 133 MHz or higher processor and 128 MB of RAM, 45 MB Hard Drive Space is required, Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0
Install instruction: How to install IntelliPoint 6.3 Mouse Driver
When download and select the option to save the installation file to a location on your computer, and then double click the installation file when you are ready to start Setup.
No one installed a mouse program when your computer before installing this software. If you are using a Microsoft keyboard and mouse desktop product, you may also need to download and install Intelli type pro keyboard software.
Download IntelliPoint 6.3 Mouse Software for Windows Driver :
Download IntelliPoint 6.3 Mouse Software for Windows
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